Solar Energy Seasonal Summary (w/m2)

Data last updated 30/12/2023 1:50 PM.
Southern Hemisphere Meterological Seasons
Summer: December, January, February
Fall: March, April, May
Winter: June, July, August
Spring: September, October, November

Maximum Solar Energy
Dec 2023 / Nov 2024------1229*---1229*
Dec 2021 / Nov 202215361106584*---1536*
Dec 2020 / Nov 20211542882*68914081542*
Dec 2019 / Nov 20201598*108382814341598*
Dec 2018 / Nov 201914241141779*13571424*
Dec 2017 / Nov 2018---926*81613871387*
Dec 2016 / Nov 2017149811468460*0*
Dec 2015 / Nov 2016151011298101484*1510*
Dec 2014 / Nov 2015------851*13321332*
Dec 2013 / Nov 20141100*700100*---1100*
Dec 2012 / Nov 2013---60040010001000*
Dec 2010 / Nov 2011---------200*200*
Max1598 1146 1229 0 0
Average Maximum Solar Energy
Dec 2023 / Nov 2024------1229* 874 more than the Winter average.---1229*577 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2021 / Nov 20221057 18 more than the Summer average.606 108 more than the Fall average.332* 23 less than the Winter average.---704*53 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2020 / Nov 20211076 38 more than the Summer average.505* 7 more than the Fall average.381 25 more than the Winter average.899 71 more than the Spring average.732*81 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2019 / Nov 20201103* 64 more than the Summer average.577 79 more than the Fall average.412 56 more than the Winter average.898 69 more than the Spring average.715*64 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2018 / Nov 20191109 70 more than the Summer average.621 123 more than the Fall average.466* 110 more than the Winter average.922 94 more than the Spring average.806*155 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2017 / Nov 2018---526* 28 more than the Fall average.412 56 more than the Winter average.929 100 more than the Spring average.633*18 less than the yearly average.
Dec 2016 / Nov 20171041 3 more than the Summer average.611 113 more than the Fall average.402 46 more than the Winter average.773* 56 less than the Spring average.699*47 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2015 / Nov 20161049 11 more than the Summer average.604 106 more than the Fall average.414 58 more than the Winter average.1001* 172 more than the Spring average.744*93 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2014 / Nov 2015------448* 92 more than the Winter average.945 116 more than the Spring average.743*92 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2013 / Nov 2014756* 282 less than the Summer average.226 272 less than the Fall average.48* 307 less than the Winter average.---368*284 less than the yearly average.
Dec 2012 / Nov 2013---217 281 less than the Fall average.87 269 less than the Winter average.557 272 less than the Spring average.286*365 less than the yearly average.
Dec 2010 / Nov 2011---------77* 751 less than the Spring average.77*574 less than the yearly average.
Avg1038 498 355 829 652
Minimum Maximum Solar Energy
Dec 2023 / Nov 2024------1229---1229
Dec 2021 / Nov 20220134107---0
Dec 2020 / Nov 20210622800
Dec 2019 / Nov 202000000
Dec 2018 / Nov 201930477000
Dec 2017 / Nov 2018---11601390
Dec 2016 / Nov 20170004460
Dec 2015 / Nov 201600000
Dec 2014 / Nov 2015------8827688
Dec 2013 / Nov 201410000---0
Dec 2012 / Nov 2013---0000
Dec 2010 / Nov 2011---------00
Min0 0 0 0 0
Color Key
< 300 300 - 600 600 - 900 900 - 1200 1200 - 1500 1500 - 1800 1800 - 2100 2100 - 2400 2400 - 2700 2700 - 3000 3000 - 3300 3300 - 36003600>

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.

* denotes incomplete data for the month/year.

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.